Topical map services


I Help Map Your Way To Topical Supremacy

Discover Hidden Opportunities to Skyrocket Your Website’s Ranking and Drive More Organic Traffic with Our Professional SEO Audits.

Topical Mapping At Just $350


What Do You Get?

  1. Main Topic or Entity (Tier-1): Clearly define the main topic or entity that your website aims to establish authority in.
  2. Subtopics (T2s / /T3s): Identify and outline relevant subtopics that fall under the main topic. These subtopics should cover different aspects or facets of the main topic.
  3. Parent-Child Hierarchy: Organize the subtopics in a parent-child hierarchy, where the main topic serves as the parent and the subtopics are its children. This hierarchical structure helps search engines and users navigate your content effectively.
  4. Content Clusters: Group related content together within each subtopic to create content clusters. Content clusters consist of interconnected articles, blog posts, or pages that provide comprehensive coverage of a specific subtopic.
  5. Keyword Research: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant keywords and phrases associated with each subtopic. These keywords should be strategically incorporated into your content to enhance topical relevance.

In the quest for increased Google traffic, one strategy reigns supreme: achieving topical relevance. Welcome to the world of semantic SEO, where positioning your website as the authoritative voice on specific topics holds the key to success.

To establish your site as an authority, comprehensive coverage of your chosen topic or entity is paramount. But there’s more to it than that – structure matters. Enter the parent-child hierarchy, a vital component for both user experience and search engine understanding.

This was recently echoed by Google, the acknowledgement that topical authority was part of their ranking algorithm.

By organizing your content in a logical hierarchy, you not only guide your users seamlessly through your website but also empower search engines to grasp its purpose. In the realm of semantic search, where comprehension is king, the better search engines understand your content, the greater your rewards in terms of visibility.

But how do you embark on this journey to topical domination?

It all begins with a well-crafted plan. Many SEO strategies resemble the haphazard construction of a house, brick by brick, without a blueprint. Yet, a lack of planning inevitably leads to structural issues.

Introducing our groundbreaking approach: High-Quality Topical Mapping. I offer a systematic and strategic solution, revolutionizing your content creation process. No more shooting in the dark and hoping for rankings. It’s time to build with purpose, precision, and unrivaled expertise.


How Topical Authority Ties Into A Topical Map?

You probably already understand and know the importance of topical authority but how does it tie into building and using topical maps? Think of it this way consistently delivering top-notch content on a specific subject, can help you become a trusted source and an industry expert in the eyes of search engines and readers alike.

So, what exactly is topical authority? It’s a measure of how much trust and expertise your website commands in a particular field. The more high-quality, informative articles you produce about a specific topic, the more search engines and users will view you as a go-to resource.

The topical authority strategy helps you plan, write and connect each piece of content so that it improves your site’s authority. This often requires looking beyond just search intent and search volume to create the best possible piece of content at the right time in the website’s growth cycle. 

Now, let’s dive into a real-life scenario. Imagine you’re searching for information on a “business credit card” using Google. Who would you trust more: Forbes or WebMD?

Chances are, you’d lean towards Forbes. Why? Forbes has built its reputation as an expert in the business and finance realm. Did you know that Forbes has built its topical authority across a staggering 59,000+ articles mentioning “business credit card,” Forbes clearly demonstrates its authority in this domain. On the other hand, WebMD, with no articles on the topic, falls short in this context.

Here’s the key takeaway: the more you write about a topic and the higher the quality of your content, the stronger the association between your website and relevant keywords becomes. This synergy between your expertise and search engine optimization (SEO) efforts helps bolster your topical authority.

A comprehensive topical map service like the type I provide you maps out every article, its search intent, volume, keyword cluster, internal linking and even recommended number of words, which will help you build topical authority. 


A Topical Map Is Keyword Research 2.0?

A topical map based solely on keywords is a waste of your time and effort. We see many affiliate marketers, SEOs and business owners make this mistake. They spend thousands of content geared towards targeting a specific set of keywords. Plus, they make sure that the site is structured correctly, and yet they don’t rank. 

Often it is because they don’t have a truly comprehensive topical map to provide them with any direction. Going willy-nilly, buying content, or trying to just follow your competitor’s site structure without understanding how Google looks at your site is like playing a losing game. Thus 90% of website owners and affiliate marketers will give up. 


Topical Maps For Broad Niches

I would recommend ordering multiple topical maps for broad niches. For instance, if you want to rank for Digital Marketing or if that’s your niche, you might want to get an SEO topical map for Local SEO, National SEO, International SEO, social media, influencer marketing, etc.

However, to achieve topical authority, you need to work on one topical map at a time. That will make managing the project easier and help with making sure that the topical map follows the same logical structure.

The other thing you’d want to do for a large project is to derive a content strategy from the topical map. If you have a team of writers, this will mean that you have a steady flow of fresh articles, published on the site ensuring consistent organic traffic growth.

You might also want to order multiple topical maps one after the other. Since these take time to build, you have some time within which each is delivered to complete your work on the previously delivered one.

How To Rank in Search Engines Using My Topical Map?

My topical map service provides niche websites and business owners with a blueprint for ranking their websites. This so-called blueprint is beyond just a set of keywords, or haphazard internal links, instead, every part of the topical map is grounded in niche research. 

A big part of building a topical map for a specific niche is understanding it, which is why 50% of my time goes into doing just that. This is even before my team starts doing keyword research because we want to know who your competitors are, what they are writing about, and why they are ranking. 

Once the topical map is ready, you need to follow it by the book. Even though we mention keyword difficulty and intent, that shouldn’t be how you approach writing content. 

Here is how we suggest you use the topical map to start building authority: 

  • Start by writing your pillar content. Yes, you can’t build a home or structure without a foundation. 
  • You want the pillar articles to have catchy and optimized suggested SEO titles. You can use the ones we provide, or you can come up with something better. Remember you are the industry expert. 
  • Make sure that you start with producing, 10 articles before you hit “publish” on them. If you are using WordPress this would require saving them as drafts until you have 10 initial articles ready complete with internal link building completed. 
  • Speaking of internal linking, we provide that in the topical map because it is part of the site and topic structure. However, you can decide to use any other strategy such as reverse silos, silos, the pyramid system, etc. Most websites that want to build authority will find that the pyramid system is the easiest to follow. 
  • Maintain good content velocity. Don’t publish 10 articles one week and then 10 the next month. You should be consistently producing 5-10 articles a week. Consistency is the key to building authority, because it helps keep search engine crawlers coming back for more. Plus, you are also training the crawler to visit the site more frequently, so in the future, your content will be indexed sooner. 
  • My topical authority map service has helped dozens of websites rank for more than just a single seed keyword, so I know it works. However, you should make sure not to skip articles. Don’t write a 3rd tier article first and the 2nd tier later. This will make it harder to establish topical authority because you are skipping steps. 
  • The best thing about my topical map is you don’t need a separate set of SEO tools to help you start ranking. Though I would recommend that you use best practices for on-page SEO. That not only means that you’re covering all the keywords, but also that they are in the right places. 

Add Ons Site Structure Mind Map

Now if the sheer number of sub-topics confuses you or you are now sure how each article is connected to the other, we would recommend ordering our visual topical map. It is an extra charge on top of the regular topical map but provides you with a visual mind map. This is especially important for an SEO agency that may be juggling multiple niches as the content manager has a visual way of managing all the content. 

It is also going to make work easier for existing sites with some content. However, the visual map does not have information such as keyword search volume since it isn’t physically possible to include. 

However, you do see how all the seed keywords or niches are connected. Plus, it saves you from having to undergo further research and clustering process as you can refer to the spreadsheet (topical map) for such information. 

Are you ready to start establishing topical authority? Order your topical map today and get on the highway the top 10% of business owners are riding to success. 

Frequently asked questions

My standard Turnaround Time is 15-20 days.

Usually on average 100-150 topics.